Next steps for Smartle word puzzle
Help us find out what the next big step will be for Smartle word puzzle
Read more →Every day you will be given a unique set of 25 letters. These letters will be arranged in a 5 by 5 grid. This mix of letters is the initial setup of your daily word puzzle.
Smartle is a word search game where players rearrange letters to form a word. The game is solved when you build a valid 5-letter word in each horizontal row. Any valid words will work, so there are many possible solutions.
Drag and drop letters on top of each other to swap their places, from and to any position on the grid. Solved words will be highlighted, but sometimes you may have to break them in order to solve the whole grid. Feel free to play with the grid and enjoy the word search.
You can compete with other players and your previous achievements on time, number of swaps and the win streak length. Nice thing is that you don’t have to solve a full daily word game completely. Your streak score will be counted in if you build at least one word on the grid.
Looking for more than just one word game a day? Now you can have it! In Sprint Mode, your objective is to complete five exhilarating word search games in just 10 minutes. It's a thrilling challenge that will test your word-hunting skills!
Help us find out what the next big step will be for Smartle word puzzle
Read more →First month of achievements. How did it go?
Read more →We’re excited to introduce achievements to the Smartle daily word game!
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