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Best strategies to win in Sprint word hunt game mode

24 Jul 2024

Every day, thousands of people play Smartle—one of the best free word games. This number is truly astounding to us; it’s like a full concert hall coming together to enjoy it. Around 1000 players engage in Smartle's Sprint Mode daily. To remind those of you who are not familiar with it yet, Smartle is a daily word puzzle game with two different modes. One mode is a daily word puzzle, and the other is Sprint. To win in Sprint, a player must solve five 5-letter puzzles within 10 minutes. The rules are exactly the same as in the daily word puzzle, but the difference lies in the number of games to be completed within a fixed time period. Of course, Smartle is and will always be a free online word game. Today we would like to list several strategies to help you excel in the Sprint word hunt.

Understanding Sprint Word Hunt Specifics

Sprint Mode is designed to test your quick-thinking and vocabulary skills. The trick is that when we are stressed our brains work differently than when we are relaxed. Some people become more focused when they are under time pressure. They perform better, don’t get distracted and create words faster and with better precision than without the time limit. Other people, on the other hand, don’t thrive under pressure. They become too stressed and their cognitive abilities worsen. Without proper training and preparation it’s hard for them to solve a timed word hunt game. Only practice can tell which type you are. Even if you discover that you are not wired to perform well when the clock is ticking, training this ability can help not only with word games online but also to deal with critical situations in real life.

Staying Calm Under Pressure

Maintaining composure during the word hunt game can significantly enhance your performance. Techniques to deal with the stress during the word puzzle game are basically the same as general stress relieving exercises, such as deep breathing which can help reduce anxiety. Employing mental strategies like positive self-talk can also keep you focused. Developing a calm mindset will enable you to think more clearly and make better and faster decisions during word hunt gameplay. There is also one thing that can help with the Smartle word games specifically. Remember that it is a completely free online word hunt game and that you only can gain something positive while playing it.

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Time Management For Timed Word Puzzles

Efficient time management is crucial in Sprint word puzzle mode. Prioritizing common letter patterns and combinations can help you quickly identify potential words. In the upcoming release, we plan to add the possibility to restart Sprint, which will be useful when the player knows that there's no way to complete the Sprint successfully or they think that they wasted too much time. This feature will allow the player to start word hunt over with a new set of letters and renewed hints.

Enhancing Vocabulary

Regular practice with diverse word lists can significantly improve your performance. Incorporate new words into your daily conversations and writing to enhance your word recall during gameplay. One of the best ways to prepare for the Sprint mode is Smartle daily word puzzle or any other free online word game. Engaging with word hunt daily helps to train the eye to find words and makes your vocabulary richer.

Sprint Mode can be played as many times as you like, with each session presenting a unique set of letters. By understanding the mechanics, managing your time effectively, enhancing your vocabulary, practising regularly, staying calm under pressure, and setting progress goals, you can significantly improve your performance in Sprint Mode. And in the end we would like to ask you some questions. Do you play Sprint? Why? Would you like to have the ability to re-start the Sprint during any moment in the game? Let us know what you think in our Discord server.

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